Drawing Now 28-31 Maart Parijs
Dit jaar is Janknegt Gallery weer geselecteerd voor Drawing Now Art Fair Paris.
Er zijn 71 internationale galeries (2 Nederlandse galeries) geselecteerd door een onafhankelijke selectie commissie en zij zullen werk op papier van meer dan 300 kunstenaars brengen.
Janknegt Gallery neemt deel met werk van Nathalie Duivenvoorden en Anita Groener. Voor u een goede reden om een weekend Parijs te boeken.
De beurs vindt plaats midden in de Marais. De Carreau du Temple is een overdekte markt gebouwd in 1863.
Voor info: Drawing Now Art Fair
Nathalie Duivenvoorden
cold and purple #1, 12 x 9 cm, colorpencil, 2018
time #1, colorpencil, 19 x 25 cm., 2018
Since the start of her career in 2011, Dutch artist Nathalie Duivenvoorden (1988) based in Stockholm, has always paused at things often overlooked. An overpass, a car park, a tunnel, a parallel road, the dull outer wall of a house, or an unimportant part of a garden feature. In her art, she treats them with the same care and attention as her depictions of the moor, the beach or the woodland. To her, an architectural construction is as valuable as an anthill; no distinction is made between nature and manmade environment. On the contrary, she is an artist who addresses the problematic character of the concepts of nature and culture. Since the moor, beach and woodland are constructed as well, they have as little or as much to do with nature as a manmade car park. The notions of nature and culture no longer apply and call for a new meaning — or perhaps we should discard them altogether. Nathalie Duivenvoorden is looking in her drawings for a new understanding and appreciation of our environment.
Anita Groener
I have spread my dreams under my feet, 2018, polymer on archer paper, 57 x 76,5 cm.
Born in The Netherlands (1958) and based in Ireland, Anita Groener graduated in 1980 with a BA from the Mollerinstituut Moller Institute in Tilburg, the Netherlands. She received an MA from the Hogeschool voor de Kunsten, Arnhem, the Netherlands, in 1982, and moved to Dublin in the same year.
Anita Groener’s work is grounded in drawing where she weaves together a continuum of thinking, and works through a cross-cultural perspective. She asks what it is to be human today. Approaching this question through ideas of home and displacement within geopolitical realities, the artist focusses on specific events, their archetypal and psychological resonances. Her work engages with the tissue of trauma and loss, transferred through the experience of time and place.
Anita Groener uses strategies and economies of drawing, as well as formal aspects of scale and monochromes. She makes drawings, paintings, installations, film and animation that she exhibits internationally.
Wat te doen als u wilt komen:
U stuurt ons een mail met uw adres, daarin geeft u aan kaarten te willen ontvangen. U kan kiezen uit kaarten voor de opening op 27 maart van 13 tot 18 uur of van 17 tot 22 uur of kaarten voor de andere dagen. Mail naar janknegtgallery@gmail.com. Wij sturen u dan de kaarten toe.
Onze presentatie in Parijs is mede mogelijk gemaakt door het Mondriaan Fonds.